Auction website design and Development
Both online auction and reverse auction become very important marketing and business strategy now – a days. You can post your old items on the web setting its desired price and interested bidders win this by giving their bid price simple concept but a very in depth marketing/business strategy here. Team Elogicsoft has a very sharp idea how it works. We works in Auction website design and Development, Responsive design, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, WordPress. We also do SEO for web promotion.
We have developed a site “Reverse Auction Website” few months ago. The main functionality was lowest unique bid will win the Item (auction item). This site was built in WordPress, PHP, Mysql as backend database, Javascript, Ajax, Jquery etc with a completely secured and password protected Admin Panel where Site Admin has the full control of content adding or editing etc.
In this site only admin can post items in the site maintaining its category like Four wheeler, Laptop, Furniture etc. After posting and publishing the item from the admin panel the count down timer starts counting — within that stipulated period any registered user can post his bid price. The bid prices will be shown in the Item details page. Now when the bidding time elapsed that item will automatically move to different list and now nobody can bid this item. Admin can choose the owner or the system will highlight the person’s name who made the lowest unique bid price.