WordPress as a CMS platform
Introduction: WordPress a great open source that can be used both as a CMS platform and a blog too. This is not a good concept that wordpress can only be used to build a blog. It can easily be customizable into a real estate, e-commerce application, Fund management, Auction site, Social networking, a business web site, a very attractive gallery management site, a portfolio site and a Forum too. There are a lot of resource/plugins available in the web for wordpress.
My early days: At the very beginning of my career I had heard it from one of my developer friends and he suggested/recommended me to use this for quick, easy, user friendly and for yet developing a secured site. In those days I often faced problem integrating many things. But when I search in the google about the topic there are a lot of helps and articles, plugins that are readily available in the web. Now I feel that I can manage to develop a social networking site myself single handedly if I can manage a suitable theme.
How to build templates: It is quiet easy just create a page (say contact-us.php) in your theme folder and copy the entire code from the page.php and paste it in that newly created page. Now copy the below mentioned code and paste it at the very top of contact-us.php.
Template Name: Contact
And now go to your admin panel add a new page add your page title and description text and before you go to publish it just select the template Contact from the template dropdown. You are done. Enjoy integrating wordpress..!!!
You can read more by downloading the pdf from here. I suggest you to please read this article from here.